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Lewis, Kate L: Howard, Steven J: Verenikina, Irina: Kervin, Lisa K: Parent perspectives on young children's changing digital practices: Insights from Covid-19. [2023]
Sonnenschein, Susan: Stites, Michele Lee: Gursoy, Hatice: Khorsandian, Jennifer: Elementary-school students' use of digital devices at home to support learning pre- and post-COVID-19. [2023]
Gueron-Sela, Noa: Shalev, Ido: Gordon-Hacker, Avigail: Egotubov, Alisa: Barr, Rachel: Screen media exposure and behavioral adjustment in early childhood during and after COVID-19 home lockdown periods. [2023]
Ponizovskiy, Vladimir: Grigoryan, Lusine: Hofmann, Wilhelm: Why is right-wing media consumption associated with lower compliance with Covid-19 measures? [2023]
Henninger, Sascha: Kaiser, Tanja: Digitale Lernangebote selbst gestalten. [2023]
Bado, Patricia: Schafer, Julia: Simioni, Andre R.: Bressan, Rodrigo A.: Gadelha, Ary: u.a.: Screen time and psychopathology: investigating directionality using cross-lagged panel models. [2022]
Repo, Juuso: Herkama, Sanna: Salmivalli, Christina: Bullying interrupted: Victimized students in remote schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. [2022]
Rocha, Hermano Alexandro Lima: Correia, Luciano Lima: Leite, Alvaro Jorge Madeiro: Machado, Marcia Maria Tavares: Lindsay, Ana Cristina: u.a.: COVID-19 and children’s screen time in Ceará, Brazil: a repeated cross-sectional survey. [2022]
Matamoros-Fernandez, Ariadna: Rodriguez, Aleesha: Wikstroem, Patrik: Humor that harms? Examining racist audio-visual memetic media on TikTok during Covid-19. [2022]
Aloufi, Maram: Alsulami, Nouf: Alqahtani, Layan: Baali, Joud: Khayyat, Mashael: The COVID 19 related increased negative impact of the unmonitored use of digital technology on children in KSA. [2022]
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